Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Abortion Pill Prices Can Planned Parenthood Help My Girlfriend Have An Abortion If Shes A Minor In California?

Can planned parenthood help my girlfriend have an abortion if shes a minor in California? - abortion pill prices

My girlfriend and I are both 17th
We had sex a week ago and broke the condom.
She was afraid she might be pregnant.
We want to Planned Parenthood for help.
We do not tell our parents for personal reasons.
I respect their views on an anti-abortion, but that both would like, whether they are actually pregnant.

I would like to know if Planned Parenthood can give my girlfriend the abortion pill.
I may be done on your site, in California without parental consent.
We have not had much, or money, and we can not do with the insurance.
So if you know how to do it is of immediate free or at a reduced price, and if so, how high the price reduction?
How long do they last?

When someone please give details on what is going to Planned Parenthood.
What should or can I make?

Anyone with information or personal expereiences?

good and positive responses are greatly appreciated.
Thatk you.


Anonymous said...

You have quite a few problems. One is having sex when you are not married is a sin.
Two is you want to kill your own child by poison with an abortion pill.
I really urge you to reject your sin and turn your life over to the Lord Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness.
SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life.

Kaylee's mommy said...

You can go to family planning and to help you find an abortion clinic, they are not really there proccedure. You do not need a father to do. You then have to quickly as possible so that they will not require surgery and can only be the abortion pill) (medical abortion. Make sure it is the only type of abortion, the other is really terrible and have emotional and depression. It costs a lot, so that you both need to find some money. It costs about $ 350 400. Shortly before meeting a week from 9 am to the abortion pill doctor to try something.

Tessa said... ...

This link shows the locations of Planned Parenthood in California and the services they offer. A finding that says abortion services, which is at home. I read the details in the other, and it seems that you have to pay, but he said that the children w / insurance qualify for any financing. How would call for more information.


georgie said...

Habit, which can only help --

theyll not the whole procedure! ooooh aaahhh * * * *

do not worry boy, about $ 300, and good

and the person above me is the crack, there is an abortion pill, but then it might seem easy identification of the dandy and recommended surgery as the abortion pill in the clinic for blood loss may country.

Drake said...

You must contact your local Planned Parenthood to see your options for financing this pill. I know that if someone regularly use contraceptives and have no insurance, it can be covered. But this is something completely different, so do not take my word, see first.

єנg (тє αмσ. тє єxтяαñσ.] said...

Yes they can. However, there may some, but not too much, though.
I would call your local Planned Parenthood, but hurry. You do not want too long because it is more expensive.
I am not sure that Planned Parenthood has an abortion for themselves or whether they are for you.
But I have expierence only on medical and surgical abortion, non-commercial. And please, do not wait long enough for surgical abortion. It is much more difficult.
E-mail for any information.
The relationship with Planned Parenthood to put in your zip code, city, state, etc.
I hope that helped.
Best of luck.

єנg (тє αмσ. тє єxтяαñσ.] said...

Yes they can. However, there may some, but not too much, though.
I would call your local Planned Parenthood, but hurry. You do not want too long because it is more expensive.
I am not sure that Planned Parenthood has an abortion for themselves or whether they are for you.
But I have expierence only on medical and surgical abortion, non-commercial. And please, do not wait long enough for surgical abortion. It is much more difficult.
E-mail for any information.
The relationship with Planned Parenthood to put in your zip code, city, state, etc.
I hope that helped.
Best of luck.

Divine Oubliette said...

If you have a family plan that a hospital with low incomes can be as low as $ 100. If you say you have no job, no money or support to be paid the minimum requirements for the procedure and receive grants to cover the rest. 1-800-230-PLAN to find (1-800-230-7526) to the family planning clinic in your area. If you are under the age most likely to be free.

You have the choice between the pill (this process may take up to 11 weeks) at home or at a friend's apartment), or the method of vacuum (in clinical practice. Personally, I have the method of the pill, so I can at home with my husband, but some women want surgery, so he did and when leaving the clinic.

You will be financially settled - usually what sting on the honor system, weight / height taken, blood pressure, your finger to discuss the Rh factor and anemia, you will receive an ultrasound scan or an ultrasound examination to determine the week of pregnancy. You may be asked to be seeing the picture, it depends on you. They are antibiotics, anti-nausea here and get PAINo drugs. Take all. You need to attend at least one course of antibiotics. Follow all the care instructions and return to his appointment to care. This last step is crucial, you must re-appointment treatment! Abortion begins a new cycle. You must have a regular period of 4 should have to 8 in a position to birth control - even in this most likely be free, and take it to get properly set up.

If you are a minor, you can check the website to see the laws on parental consent and other things. * Even if you say you need parental consent, then not. DB call and tell them that you can not tell your parents, by law, a bypass of justice must for kids who can not simply switch their parent or guardian's permission are available. The judge signs the consent of parents to act as guardian in fact.

Some state Medicaid program paid for, use this link to find out if your state pays. If they do, you can pay for "welfare" office and receive emergency coverage, and state taxes and helpit. ...

It is entirely possible to have an abortion and not feel guilty because I knew I was right.

If you have questions or want or need to talk, send me an e-mail.

Momma ~ Pro-Choice have an abortion \\ \\ was \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\; u0026lt without remorse "and have an age u0026lt \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\; no regrets" daughter 11 months. I think the choice to protect my daughter.

Abortion: There is a consensus ...

Sal - Health insurance is abortion for minors without parental consent is required.

Baybee#1 on board! said...

You do not have a specific age for family planning can give a pregnancy test idk how, if she needs an abortion costs $ 500, I think. BTW, there is no such thing as an "abortion pill" They do it with the operation.

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